We are hudson

For almost 40 years, we have been helping people and organizations to surpass themselves. Our 250 consultants build and develop the human capital of your organization together with you. Our years of experience, in-depth knowledge of your sector and scientifically sound tools and advice are the foundation of your and our success.

What we are good at

Recruitment Services

Through our long-standing experience in managing high-level recruitment assignments, we have developed a deep knowledge and expertise in sourcing and approaching both active and passive candidates. We enable our customers to target and attract highly skilled profiles, who might not spontaneously apply to classic job advertisements.

Assessment & Development

As an employer, you can make a difference throughout the entire employee life cycle, as soon as you recognize their potential. Through active support and coaching, Hudson guides your candidates and employees on their path of growth and development.

Career Management

The human capital of an organization is a critical resource for its' success. Career Management at Hudson encompasses both career guidance and outplacement services, throughout the entire employee life cycle.

HR Tools

A strong HR policy has a major impact on delivering business results. Therefore, decisions in this matter should not be based on gut feeling alone. The Hudson R&D department has achieved worldwide recognition and is constantly developing new and evidence-based HR tools.

Well-being at Work

Psycho-social risks are among the most challenging issues in occupational health and safety as it significantly impacts the health of individuals, organizations and national economies. Hudson can support your organization in the prevention and management of psycho-social risks.

Contact us

Submit your HR challenge to us. Together we look at how we can help you.

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